
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting the Office Organized

Mail center
1. When the mail comes in decide right away to: file it, pay it, or recycle it. Keep that shredder nearby for mail with personal details. 

2. Divide and conquer. Bills to be paid on the right, first due right in front. {Calendar reminders coming soon.}

 3. Once bill is paid put it on the left to be filed. Once a month stash in your master filing cabinet. Keep for at least one year, or better yet, scan to computer and back up off site with a service like Crashplan, starting at $24.99/yr.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Better to be Safe than Sorry

Organizing the Medicine Cabinet

1. Once a month or every other month purge expired or unwanted meds and vitamins from your cabinet.

2. When purchasing meds make sure you have a good year to use them. Otherwise you'll be throwing money down the drain, like I did with this full box of Mucinex. 

3. Expired medications can be disposed through one of the facilities on Earth

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Use What You Already Have

If you're like me you have lots of open bags in your pantry and cabinets.
Instead of investing in bag clips and storage containers, try these ideas:

1. Keep a spot in your kitchen to toss all your twist ties & rubber bands.

2. Repurpose binder clips as bag clips.

3. Empty bread bags work great to wrap things up like open packages of bacon or two sandwiches instead of one. (Like for my husband's lunch.)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Econize Green Give-a-away.

It's so simple to enter the Econize Green Give-a-away
1. Follow my blog.
You could win this eco-awesome stainless steel water canteen.

Winner will be announced February 29th.*
*All contests subject to change without notice and are administered at the discretion of Econize.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Here are my 3 Steps of Organization

This is what I did during our last snow fall.

1. Take out what doesn't belong like that box of opened pasta that's been in there way too long.

2. Figure out what is the most logical location for everything. Recipes at arm's reach makes sense.

3. Group like things together. Leaves guessing where things are to a minimum.

Welcome to my Blog

Thanks for a taking a trip over to my blog. I'm excited to keep a green diary that I can share with you all. There will be helpful tips to keep it clean and green, organizing tutorials, and health tips. 
To celebrate I'll be doing a "green give-a-way!" Check back soon for details.